Are electric vehicles also of interest to companies and municipalities?
Electric mobility can be an opportunity, especially for companies and municipalities. Apart from the positive image and possible customer loyalty, e.g. by providing charging infrastructure, electric vehicles are already economic in a commercial car fleet. Current model calculations show that an electric vehicle can deliver a total cost benefit of over 35,000 euros over an operating period of 5 years. This is the result in particular of fuel savings, lower maintenance costs and reduced labour costs due to the non-consideration of in-kind benefits. This can lead to employers saving up to 500 euros or more per month.(11)
For commercially used emission-free vehicles – contrary to conventional motor cars – the right to deduct VAT has been valid since 2016. For electric or electro-hydraulic cars the Standardized Consumption Tax (in Austria up to 32%) is not charged. No engine-related insurance tax has to be paid for battery electric vehicles (BEVs).
Companies, municipalities and associations receive support when purchasing an electric vehicle within the framework of the BMNT (Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism) and bmvit (Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology) action package for e-mobility with renewables, in cooperation with car and two-wheeled vehicle importers and the sports retailers. Among others, battery electric passenger cars are subsidized with 3,000 euros and plug-in hybrids with 1,500 euros.(12) The green license plates, introduced in Austria in 2017, will make it easier for cities and municipalities to offer benefits for electric vehicles.
(11) Austrian Mobile Power: Tax calculator. accessed on 18/08/2017
(12) See also klimaaktiv Mobility, accessed on 18/08/2017: