What is the effect of e-mobility on the economy?

Without any doubt, the structural change in the transport sector is also an economic challenge. As with many transformative developments, the transport sector also offers chances which need to be recognized and made use of economically. According to calculations, the total value added of global vehicle manufacturing will increase from 400 billion euros currently to approx. 650 billion euros by 2030, and lead to shifts within the components. Austrian companies are already benefitting from international orders.

According to a 2016 study, with the development of electric mobility the Austrian car manufacturing sector can create a total of 33,990 jobs and generate 3.1 billion euros in added value by 2030.(15) Studies in Germany estimate unchanging or even positive job market effects due to e-mobility.(16)

Switching to electric vehicles also contributes to lower abatement costs for greenhouse gas emissions and, due to fewer pollutants, to lower health costs. Moreover, the traffic avoidance, development of public transport and switch to EV all reduce dependency on oil imports: In the past five years the value of the annual oil imports (excl. oil products) was between 4.8 and 8.8 billion euros. Four-fifths were used for transport.(17)

(15) Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH, Austrian Mobile Power, Virtual Vehicle Research Center: E-MAPP | E-Mobility and the Austrian Production Potential, Vienna 2016
(16) Fraunhofer ISI: Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland in Zeiten zunehmender Elektromobilität, Karlsruhe 2017
(17) bmwfw: Energie in Österreich 2017, Zahlen, Daten, Fakten, Vienna 2017