Strengthening democracy and stability


The Energiewende is responsible for higher energy prices. It makes energy less affordable.


Energy costs have fallen in recent years. The price for electricity has been stable or has even fallen slightly. Many people are benefiting from the Energiewende. It is now not only big corporations that gain profits as is often the case with conventional energy.

Stable prices of renewable energy

Heating costs for Austrian households. Comparing annual average prices by energy source.

  • heating oil
  • natural gas
  • wood pellets
  • firewood

Source: Pro Pellets Austria, Data: E-Control, IWO, Chamber of Agriculture, ProPellets, Status: September 2015

The Energiewende not only has positive ecological impacts but economic and social factors play an important role too. Aspects such as the security of supply, affordability of and sharing in the energy supply are also part of this transformation. On average, energy accounts for between 8 to 10 per cent of annual expenditure of an Austrian household. Transport is responsible for the highest share. Electricity is only responsible for 2 to 3 per cent of overall costs. Since 2011 energy costs have fallen significantly for Austrian households. Despite higher contributions for new renewable energy projects, prices for electricity have been stable. On the other hand, the volatility of oil prices leads to high fluctuation of heating oil prices. Renewable energy provides more stability and therefore security.